Sunday, October 3, 2010


Education and communication on environmental degradation should be aimed at enabling one to come to terms with the fact that, while it is true that nature should be exploited for man’s survival, that exploitation should not be total, or destructive. That man should not get rich at the
expense of nature or by destroying the environment, as this in the long run might lead to mankind’s extinction!

Now, the big question is: Who will be, responsible for steering this education and communication?

In answering this question there are different schools of thought. There are those who believe that this should be spearheaded by the government and NGOs should play a supportive role. The government should take leadership of the campaign where its input is required. At the moment the environmental portfolio in Tanzania is held by the Vice President’s office.

But there are those who think that our gove rnments are not env i ronment sensitive and due to corrupt tendencies wh i ch have been regi s t e red and are still being regi s t e red there is no way politicians (who are in power) are going to arm the people with we apons they k n ow will in the end be used against them. Whence then the education? It is re c o m m e n ded that the lead should be taken by non-gove rnmental bodies such as NGOs, media organ i z at i o n s , f riends of the env i ronment gro u p s all over the country etc.

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